Dental implants

Dental implants are the very best way to replace lost teeth, providing an unbeatable aesthetic result. You get a healthy and beautiful smile with new teeth that do not differ significantly from your own.

What is a dental implant?

A dental implant is a titanium fixture that is inserted into the jaw. This acts as an artificial root for a tooth. Then a crown (the tooth itself) is screwed into the titanium root.

Titanium is a material with the best capacity to be biologically integrated into the human body. Over time it grows securely into the jaw.

Can I have dental implants?

This technique is appropriate for almost everyone, and is suitable for solving a variety of problems associated with the loss of one or more teeth.

Where one or more teeth need to be replaced, a dental implant is a solution allowing the dentist to restore your teeth without damaging adjacent ones. Furthermore, titanium screws can serve as a base for both full jaw and shorter bridges.

The criteria for a successful implant treatment are that the patient is in generally good health and has good oral hygiene. The patient should also not be a smoker as this significantly impairs the ability of a dental implant to integrate properly.

Where a patient has poor, or insufficient, bone in their jaw, it is sometimes possible to undertake a bone graft.


  • Natural and aesthetic impression – they look like real teeth and help to restore a youthful appearance
  • Comfort – there is no feeling of having something foreign in your mouth
  • Functionality – much better chewing capability compared to a prosthesis
  • Reliability and durability
  • Implants neither damage nor adversely affect healthy teeth
  • There is no need to drill or grind healthy teeth to make bridges
  • No discomfort from removable dentures

Criteria for implant treatment

The patient should have good overall health and good oral hygiene for the successful integration of dental implants. If the patient’s jaw bone is inadequate, it may be possible to augment or graft onto it.

How long does it take?

The time that the entire process takes depends on the number of implants to be inserted, along with the quality and volume of the jaw bone. The fixture (implant) itself is fully integrated after three to six months.

The bone in the lower jaw is harder and thicker, so the integration process is faster. On the other hand, the bone in the upper jaw is thinner and softer, which means that the integration process takes longer.

When the dental implant has integrated, it is time to prepare the gum for the new teeth. This takes up to two weeks and one visit to the dentist. In the final part of the process the new teeth are manufactured in a dental laboratory.

This can take up to two weeks. Then the permanent porcelain teeth are cemented onto the titanium implants.

We guarantee:

Reliability and durability

We work with leading global suppliers of implants and components. MIS Implants and Straumann are manufacturers that have been around for many years. And behind their implants and components lies the research and experience of leading specialists in oral surgery and dental implants.


While the implant is being positioned, we guarantee that you will feel no pain or discomfort. This is due to our modern high-tech anaesthesia solutions, and the latest dental equipment.


The titanium components from MIS and Straumann come with a lifetime guarantee*. In the extremely unlikely event that anything happens to a titanium component, we will replace it and refit it free of charge.

Do you still have questions?

Book a consultation with one of our implant surgeons, and they will explain anything you need to know about your exact prospects for successful implant treatment. Call us on 08 20 06 80 or make an appointment for an implant consultation online.

*The lifetime guarantee only applies to the implant itself (the titanium components). Prosthetics (porcelain crowns or bridges) have a two-year guarantee.

Frequently asked questions regarding dental implants

A careful assessment is carried out and a quote provided before any treatment is started. The cost of implant treatment varies. It depends on how many dental implants are to be inserted, what type of treatment is desired and the work required from the dental laboratory.

1. At the first appointment, information is collected from photographs, impressions and X-rays. This information determines the appropriate type of treatment, then the operation itself is performed.

2. The method used depends on several factors, such as dental health, how many teeth are needed and which teeth are being replaced.

3. In a normal course of treatment, the dentist first inserts the implant, which then integrates into the jaw for three to six months. During the healing period you are given a temporary prosthesis until the permanent crown can be fitted.

When the root structure of a natural tooth is missing there is a risk that the bone in the jaw could shrink. This will make your face look older than it actually is. Implants mean that you do not have to worry about loose dentures; dental implants are stable and comfortable. No adjustment is needed following insertion, and an implant usually lasts a lifetime.
An assessment is made prior to treatment to determine that the patient’s medical condition is suitable for general oral surgery. Patients with medical or other conditions that could hamper or complicate the bone or soft tissue’s healing process of (such as connective tissue disease, steroid treatment, bone infections, smoking) must carefully assess, together with their dentist, the potential risk and benefit of dental implants.
Many somewhat older patients may worry that their age could be an obstacle to their taking advantage of the benefits of dental implants. However, when it comes to dental implants, health is a far more decisive factor than age. If you are healthy enough to have a tooth extracted, you are probably healthy enough for a dental implant. Following a careful assessment of your health and dental status, your dentist will determine whether dental implants are suitable for you.
Dental implants improve your appearance – If you lose an entire tooth (crown and root) the jaw shrinks, and your face will often look older than it is. Dental implants stop this in a way that conventional dentures or a dental bridge cannot.

Healthy teeth are retained – For conventional dental bridges, the teeth adjacent to the missing tooth generally need to be ground down to anchor the dental bridge. With dental implants, the healthy teeth often need not be altered.

A permanent solution – You do not have to worry about loose dentures. Dental implants are stable and comfortable. No adjustment is needed following insertion. Implants usually last a lifetime.

Dental implants feel, look and act like natural teeth. You can eat and drink as usual. But most important is that dental implants often improve your quality of life. People who have been embarrassed and worried about their dental problems are often overwhelmed by the effect of the new permanent teeth on their self-esteem.

Dental implants are as natural as possible and it is difficult to see the difference between the new teeth and your natural teeth.

Yes, you will. After a short period of adjustment, chewing is just the same as with your regular teeth.

Normally treatment takes about 3-6 months. First the dentist inserts the implant, which then integrates with the jaw bone. During the healing period you are given a temporary prosthesis until the permanent crown can be fitted.

The length of time depends on several factors, such as your dental health, how many teeth are needed and which teeth are being replaced. These factors also determine how many visits to the dentist are needed during the treatment period.

Some discomfort can be experienced, just as with all operations. Inserting just one dental implant usually causes less discomfort than inserting several. Anaesthetics and sedatives are often used to reduce discomfort when the dental implant is inserted. Ask your dentist to tell you about other patients who have already undergone treatment, so that you can share their experience.
Minor discharge and swelling of the gums and soft tissue afterwards is normal. However, any discomfort can generally be treated with over-the-counter painkillers. Normally you can be back at work the next day.
Your new teeth must be looked after and checked regularly, just like your ordinary teeth. Brush and floss your teeth as instructed by your dentist or dental hygienist. Visit your dentist every six months, or more often if necessary.