CityDental’s Cookie Policy

CityDental’s Cookie Policy

CityDental AB (“CityDental”) uses cookies, web beacons, and similar technologies (collectively referred to as “cookies”) to enhance your experience with us. We use cookies on our websites and in our services. This Cookie Policy explains how we use cookies and your ability to choose how they are used. Please also refer to our Privacy Policy regarding the handling of your personal information. ###

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files consisting of letters and numbers. These are sent from CityDental or our partners’ web servers and stored on your device as described below. We use the following types of cookies:

  • Session cookies: temporary cookies that expire when you close your browser or app.
  • Persistent cookies: cookies that remain on your computer until you delete them or they expire.
  • First-party cookies: cookies set by the website you visit.
  • Third-party cookies: cookies set by a third-party site.

Web beacons är små transparenta grafiska bilder som kan finnas i e-post som vi skickar till dig. ”Liknande tekniker” är tekniker som lagrar information i din webbläsare eller på din enhet på ett sätt som liknar cookies och web beacons.

Cookies enable our website and services to remember your choices and preferences (such as login, text size, and other settings) for a period of time, so you don’t have to set them again each time you visit us.

Why do we use cookies?

The cookies we use generally improve the services we offer you. Some of our services actually require cookies to function, while others exist to make our services better for you. In general, we categorize our cookies and their usage as follows:

  • Necessary cookies are essential to provide our basic services. Our services would not work without these cookies.
  • Optimization cookies provide us with overall analytical information regarding your use of our services. It helps us continuously improve our products, which is necessary because our products would not be as good without these cookies.
  • Preference cookies enable us to save settings such as language choice or whether we should prefill your information or not. Without these types of cookies, we would not be able to customize our services according to your preferences. These cookies are necessary because it is fundamental to our services that your experience with us is as good as possible.
  • Security-related cookies make our services and your data secure and safe, for example by helping us detect fraud and protect your data. Since this is an essential part of our services, these cookies are also necessary.
  • Marketing cookies, as explained below.

Marketing cookies

CityDental uses marketing cookies to personalize and improve your experience on our website, in marketing emails, and in third-party advertising.

  • Automated marketing: Cookies from our marketing automation platform enable us to be more relevant in our communication with you. Based on personal data voluntarily provided by the user, such as through forms on our website, CityDental uses this information to improve the ability to deliver more relevant information on the website and through advertising channels.
  • Analytics: Analytical cookies collect information about how users interact with our website, providing us with insights into overall interaction patterns rather than individual user behaviors. This data helps us improve your experience on the website.
  • Advertising: Ad cookies collect information about your activities and interests on our website so that we can display relevant and targeted advertising in third-party channels (search engines, social media, and ad networks).

Your browser or device usually allows you to change the settings for the use and scope of cookies. Visit the settings of your browser or device to learn more about how to adjust cookie settings. For example, you can choose to block all cookies, only accept first-party cookies, or delete cookies when you close your browser.

Please note that some of our services may not function properly if you block or delete cookies.